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Background 1
The standard app backdrop.
Background 2
A background with a little more pizzaz.
Background 3
The ultimate dark mode experience.
Window 1
A view out into the great beyond.
Window 2
A window for curious explorers.
Window 3
A viewport for the ultimate voyager.
Divider 1
A basic divider.
Divider 2
A divider with a little more color.
Divider 3
A divider for those who really like purple.
Float: Astronaut
A little space voyager to roam across your screen.
Float: Satellite
A little robotic Space Camera to spice up your screen.
Float: Asteriod
A space stone of mass destruction to grace your screen.
Float: Comet
A flying ball of fire. Careful, it's hot!
Float: Telescope
A feat of human engineering, just for you.